Pest Identification for insects in Southwestern PA

House centipedes are actually beneficial – they capture flies, cockroaches, and other small household pests. They never damage plants or household items.
Size: 1/8 to 6 inches long
Color: Yellowish to dark brown, often with dark markings. House centipedes are a grey-yellow with three stripes down the back.
Activity/Behavior: When provoked, a few large kinds of centipedes can inflict a painful bite that may cause localized swelling, discoloration, and numbness.
Where They Live: Centipedes usually are found in damp, dark places, such as under stones, leaf mulch, or logs. Indoors, centipedes may occur in damp areas of basements, closets, or bathrooms. During the day, they hide in dark cracks and crevices, coming out at night to search for insects to eat.
Tips for Control: Reductions in the number of household centipedes occur when their food source (other household pests) is controlled. Airing out damp places may help.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Control of centipedes takes persistence and experience because it’s a gateway to other problems. Centipedes have many hiding places and many food sources. A trained pest control professional can help you get rid of centipedes.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA

Click Beetles
Click Beetles will snap the two sections of their body, creating a loud clicking sound, which is where the name derives from. They're also known by the name "wireworms". Click Beetles have sometimes been mistaken for cockroaches.
Size: They can range anywhere from 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches in length
Color: Predominately brown to black
Activity/ Behavior: During the warm weather months click beetles are mostly nocturnal. Their diet mostly consists of nectar, pollen, and small insects.
Where They Live: Click Beetles prefer to live in highly vegetated and soiled environments. They've been known to cause problems for farmers because the larvae will feed on crops such as potatoes and corn. Click beetles have quite commonly ventured into homes on Long Island and are a common pest.
Tips for Control: Identifying if you are dealing with Click Beetles is the first step. To do this, make sure to contact a trained professional.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: We would first identify if there is a Click Beetle infestation. Then a trained professional will carry through the necessary and effective methods it takes to clear out the insects.

Earwigs, or Forficula auricularia, meaning “skin wings,” has 1,800 species in 12 families. They are tiny parasites that feed on mammals, but they don’t have the usual pinchers. Earwigs don’t usually use their ability to fly.
Size: 1/4 to 1 inch long
Color: Dark brown to black with a redhead and pale yellow-brown legs
Activity/Behavior: The female earwig lays batches of about 50 eggs and then protects them until their second molt (when they shed their skin). Adult earwigs live outside and eat plants.
Where They Live: Earwigs usually live outdoors and feed on plant materials (cellulose in leaves), but if they invade the house (either during the fall or night time) they can be found in cracks and crevices under furniture or carpeting.
Tips for Control: It’s important to concentrate on the lower levels of the house; the top floors don’t need treatment! Be aware that when crushed, earwigs give off a bad smell. You can attract some of them with light.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Control of earwigs takes persistence and experience. A trained pest control professional can get rid of your earwigs and prevent later infestation.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

There are many species of millipedes. They are long and cylindrical. They have many segmented, worm-like creatures. However, some look flattened. Every millipede has two pairs of legs attached to each body segment.
Size: 5/8 of an inch to 4 inches long
Color: Brown or black, but some species are orange or red
Activity/Behavior: Millipedes are active at night. They produce a foul smelling fluid which is toxic to some insects and animals. This fluid causes blisters on human skin. They can also be structural pests when they enter the home.
Where They Live: Millipedes can be found outside around moisture and decaying matter (trash, grass clippings, mulch, rotting firewood, and leaf litter).
Tips for Control: Because their secretions can cause blisters, Suburban suggests calling a technician in. Simply reducing the amount of moisture around the exterior of the home will prevent millipedes from coming in and help control the population.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Control of millipedes takes persistence and experience. Millipedes come in large numbers and it’s extremely difficult to locate and eliminate them all, and when you do, they tend to ooze a sticky substance. A trained pest control professional can help you get rid of millipedes the most efficient way.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

Silverfish are primitive, wingless insects. This means they are older than cockroaches. They are covered with silvery scales. They are flat and “carrot” shaped. Three long, slender, antennae-like appendages project from the end of the body. Because of this, silverfish are also called “bristle tails.”
Size: 1/2 of an inch long
Color: Silver
Activity/Behavior: Silverfish are tropical insects. This means they prefer warm (71 to 90 degrees), moist locations. They often hide during the day and rest in tight cracks and crevices.
Where They Live: They can be found almost anywhere in the house: basement, individual floors, attics, and shingles on the roof. Outside, they are likely to be found in mulch, and under siding or roof shingles (particularly cedar shakes).
Tips for Control: Be sure to seal off any cracks or crevices that access warmer areas of the house.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Control of silverfish takes persistence and experience because wood shingles are very difficult to fully treat. Also, silverfish reproduce so rapidly and have many hard-to-reach hiding places. A trained pest control professional can help you get rid of silverfish.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

Springtails have a bulbous “humpbacked” body, no wings, and a distinctive head with long antennae. Springtails get their names from a forked appendage attached to the end of the abdomen, which can be bent under the body and, when released, helps the insect to “spring” forward, much like a flea.
Size: 1/32 to 1/8 of an inch long
Color: Whitish-gray or light colored
Activity/Behavior: Springtails are typically associated with leaf litter, mulch, firewood, landscape timbers, potted plants, railroad ties, etc. They need a moisture source.
Where They Live: Springtails can be found in sinks and basins, floor drains, around sweating pipes, in most basements or crawlspaces, on moldy furniture, and in the soil of potted plants. These insects feed on decaying organic matter, algae, and fungi. They are also attracted to light.
Tips for Control: These insects breed in plant material in the soil. They will enter structures when population increases and they being searching for water.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Control of springtails takes experience. Over-the-counter products are rarely effective because of improper use. Also, the springtails themselves are so small and can’t simply be captured. A trained pest control professional can help you get rid of springtails.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.

Stink Bugs
Stink Bugs or Brown marmorated Stink Bugs begin to invade Long Island homes in late summer / early fall when the weather turns cold. Some homes have seen thousands of stink bugs. Stink bugs have a "shield" shaped body. Their smell is a defense mechanism.
Color: mottled brownish grey color. The underside is white.
Activity/Behavior: The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug eats a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and other plants. The stink bug survives the winter by entering houses.
Tips for control: A treatment in late summer / early fall can prevent stink bugs from entering your home. In addition, caulking cracks in windows and door frames can deter the insects from entering. Take out your window air conditioners since many stink bugs can enter this way.
How Sean Rock Exterminating Can Help: Our customers can benefit with a late summer/early fall treatment. We recommend this treatment to prevent stink bugs from entering your home. The treatment is applied to the outside of your home only.
Sean Rock Exterminating follows a strict set of guidelines to ensure your health and safety. We use only products which are registered with the EPA.